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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 21, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST

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their victims with pepper spray. "today in the bay's" bob redell joins us live from the police station with more. good morning, bob. >> reporter: good morning to you there, laura. police in berkeley need your help in finding people behind this late-night assault. it makes this crime somewhat unusual is the fact that police are looking for three teenage girls. this happened this past friday night around 9:40 in the evening. that's when the women attacked and attempted to rob. as the women were walking they tried to go past three teenage women. one of those women sprayed something in the face of one of the other women possibly pepper spray. the girls then grabbed the second woman as they tried to run away. punched her in the face. knocked her to the ground. sprayed her and then tried to rob her. a man fortunately happened to be walking by, stopped the robbery and scared away the teens. the women were hurt but not enough to go to the hospital. the teenage girls all three of
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them were seen driving away in a white dodge charger. the victims described them as being african-american. one of them had short hair, thin build. another one long hair and a pony tail. long skirt. a third one braided hair, pink shirt, and a jean jacket. if you know anything about this, if you happen to see anything or you know who these people are, berkeley police would like to hear from you. reporting live here in berkeley, bob redell, "today in the bay." new this morning, investigators trying to figure out how a man ended up dead at the montgomery b.a.r.t. station in san francisco. they found the man while conducting a welfare check on several people sleeping on the concourse level of that station at 10:00. they say the man was not breathing. an officer did try to revive him but the victim was pronounced dead at the scene. foul play does not appear to be a factor in the death. 6:03. a massive homeless encampment in san jose is getting bigger and
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now the city gearing up to clear everyone out. the city says at least 100 people are now living in the makeshift tent city on spring street. "today in the bay's" arturo santiago live at the encampment this morning. when everyone will be forced out, are they going to try to send these folks to shelters? >> reporter: that's what they're going to try to do. the situation out here has not improved in the last few weeks. the population as you said of the tent city has swelled to more than 100 people and now the city of san jose has plans to move the encampment out during the first week of march. the site is located along spring street betwe street. it's near the guadalupe river park which is land that belongs to the city and the san jose airport. the tents are spread out and clustered around trees on the land. the tent city started to grow back in january after state lands along the guadalupe river were cleared up by caltrans and that displaced homeless camping in those areas.
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with this area, mayor chuck reed says the people are trespassing and there are no sanitary facilities and the city cannot have people living in unsanitary conditions. nonprofit organizations have been coming out to the site in an effort to reach out to these homeless and offer them some alternative options for shelter. according to the san jose police department, there has not been a noticeable increase in crime near this tent city. now the most difficult task as always will be to find some kind of long-term solution in which the homeless are kicked out for only a few weeks or a few months and then do not have to return to create yet another tent city. we're live in san jose, i'm arturo santiago, "today in the bay." >> thank you. it is 6:05. christina loren is back to tell us about a good looking day ahead. >> it's going to be really nice today. good morning to you. especially when you consider we're in the heart of winter. most of the country today will be under a very strong winter storm. the same one that brought snow
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to mt. hamilton racing into midsection of the nation and count on delays from albuquerque to chicago. major storm. for us, sunshine. it will be beautiful. 38 degrees in san jose. 37 degrees in gilroy. the only caveat, we have winds. winds are going to pick up at the coast throughout the day. cool ocean air pump onshore all day long. winds now for the most part are coming out of the west. let's take you to future cast. gustiest wind conditions throughout the afternoon. winds at the strongest at 4:00 p.m. you can see at the coast 30-mile-per-hour sustained winds for a short time. we'll see breezy to windy conditions here inland in the san jose area. so you want to keep that in mind. not a great day for flowing skirt and you do your hair today, it won't hold up all day long. 61 degrees inland. bayside, 60. coast, 60 degrees. warmer days ahead and we're so close to that weekend now. stick around. your seven-day outlook ready to
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go in my next report and we'll take a close look at tahoe. live report coming up there as well. 6:06. good morning, mike. >> good morning. typical here. there's the build to bay bridge toll plaza. for cash lanes. fastrak should be following shortly once they turn metering lights on which should be probably in the next five to ten minutes. they just turned them on actually about a minute ago. you'll see the backup in the next report. the maps we'll show you where there is slowing for east bay. this is tri-valley. livermore is slow as you come over past the interchange. things smooth out. buildup for west 580. south 680, no slowing through pleasanton into fremont. earlier crash south on 880 in fremont. until three minutes ago, we had slowing north. this is the break you get. 6:15 you'll see the burst second one come in and stick for the morning.
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the volume of traffic really building through the area. we do have a new crash reported but that's in a small area and not a traffic issue as far as commute. we'll give you a look at palo alto. smooth drive up the peninsula from the south bay with those taillights north past willow avenue and a nice easy drive as far as southbound side out of the city through san mateo down to the same scene. we'll talk about mass transit. no delays for systems. caltrain up and down peninsula no delays reported. muni in the city and b.a.r.t. back and forth between peninsula and east bay trains reported on time on your typical weekday schedule. back to you. this morning a suspect still on the loose after a santa cruz couple fights off two men armed with a sword and a screwdriver during an attempted home invasion robbery. police say the couple woke up early wednesday morning to find two men standing in their bedroom of their home on poplar avenue. one victim grabbed the sword from one of the men after his
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wife threw a feheating pad at t suspects. when police arrived, they arrested the 28-year-old suspect that you see here. police are still looking for the second suspect. 5:08. coming up, from strike one to take one. >> giants baseball starts now. >> our cameras are rolling as giants strike a pose at spring training. we'll take you live to scottsdale stadium just ahead. why a high tech exec wanted to punch himself in the face. we'll take a look coming up in business news. a live look outside the city by the bay. that's san francisco. looking very nice. cool start to the day as you get out there. christina loren says enjoy. going to get real nice. we're back in minutes.
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>> reporter: a very good morning to you. i'm laurence scott coming to you live from scottsdale stadium, the spring training home of the world champions san francisco giants. there was rain a lot of the day yesterday. chilly weather here too in arizona. the sun is trying to come up today. it's almost like when giants arrived in detroit for games three and four of world series. it's that chilly here in arizona. they'll get a workout in today. what you are looking at behind me is tarp on the field because yesterday it was raining providing a perfect opportunity for a great rainy day activity photo day. take a look. it's an annual spring training tradition where flashbulbs pop and giants players dress up in full uniform posing for what will be used all season long around the ballpark and beyond. if looking good is about feeling good, the giants feel great
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taking their photos as the defending champs. >> definitely fun to look back and remember what we did last year and remember how special it was but i think it all signifies the beginning of a new season. photo day is the beginning of a new year. we're excited and looking forward to the upcoming year. >> reporter: it's also a chance to capture moments with giants that make connections with the fans and in this case with sfg productions filming what will be seen on the video board in center field in at&t park. >> this gets the fans fired up and personalizes players as they are about to take the field at the most important crucial time of the game. >> reporter: spring training offers the best venue to get all of the guys in one place at one time. >> we have a lot going on during the season production-wise and most importantly the players are playing games each and every day so their minds are clear now. they haven't played any games yet. they are really into this. they do a great job. >> reporter: now that we've seen that, it will be fun to see what
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the final product is on the scoreboard at giants games and i tell you. one of the guys at photo day that everyone wanted a shot of was buster posey. reigning national league mvp. we spent time with buster and talked to him about this spring training and competition ahead and year to come here with the giants going for that second title in two years. this guy all three years he's played in baseball, he's already got two rings. it's remarkable story that we're seeing unfold as the catcher of the san francisco giants joins us just a little bit later in a live report we'll have coming up in just a bit. thanks. back to you in the studio. >> we look forward to it. >> love buster posey. time for a quick check on the day's top stories. the lead investigator in the case against oscar pistorius is now himself facing attempted murder charges. the charges stemming from a 2011 shooting. pistorius's bail hearing has been continued until tomorrow.
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> kellogg's is recalling special k cereal. red berry cereal with beare efa. return the box to a store or contact kellogg's for a replacement coupon. president obama taking sides on the attempt to overturn california's ban on gay marriage. the president could file a friend of the court brief. a final decision has not yet been made. fcc wants to pump up your wi-fi. >> up to 100 times faster than you currently get. >> that's fast. good morning. you'll see the speed jump in the most crowded of places. that will be the biggest jump. places right now where you see little speed. busy place, coffee shops and hotels. this is a 21st century problem needing faster wi-fi but the fcc
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wants to allow router makers to use a part of the spectrum that's largely not used right now but it will be a year until there's a full ruling. i say largely not used because car makers are experimenting with that kind of spectrum using radio signals so cars talk to each other automatically and don't run into each other. the military also wants to keep part of that spectrum open as well. hewlett packard reports financials today. this is one of the few times we can say there will knbe no big announ announcements. hp is the best performer on the dow 30 industrials so far this year. tesla under pressure this morning after the car company reported a wider loss than expected. we do have some good news. tesla is making cars much more quickly than it had in the past. so fast in fact that at times it has run ahead of its part suppliers.
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during the phone call with reporters yesterday, elon musk said at one point he was flying in parts from eastern europe costing 100 times more than shipping them by boat. he said that made me want to punch myself in the face. >> i would imagine. >> tough going. see what happens over there. beat yourself up. knockout punch. thank you very much. >> all right. could be a knockout weekend ahead in the sierra. >> it will be nice or go to the beach. one of those california bay area weekends that we love. let's start with the white stuff and get to our toyota snow report. brian hager joins us on the phone from squaw valley from tahoe with a look at the conditions on the slopes. it's cold enough out there for some of that recent snow to stick around, huh? >> it is. walking in this morning there's light snow falling. we have hopes for a good day today. >> we have an inside slider as we like to call it in the went department coming through.
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it will break apart over the bay area. it will bring you more snowfall today. what's going on for the next couple days? what are the attractions right now that are hot for visitors at squaw and alpine. >> we still have our big truck and climb on the fire trucks and snow cats and loaders and that fun stuff kids love to do. we yoga and fun activities for the weekend. >> outstanding. it's ski week in the bay area. a lot of kids will be up there enjoying that fresh powder just spectacular shots that we show you right now. let's talk about conditions. the snow will stick around. you'll get full sunshine later on today. like we said before, we have inside slider coming through and that's generating light snowfall this morning. we'll take every bit of powder we can get. 43 degrees by friday at squaw. you have 97 inches at the base at squaw versus 87 at alpine
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meadows. phenomenal skiing conditions all weekend long. temperatures this morning are running cool but not as cool as yesterday. you'll notice the difference in santa rosa at 28 degrees this time yesterday. now 41. a welcome change there. 38 degrees in san jose. 37 degrees to start the day in gilroy. here's our slider. look at what happens. it breaks apart over the bay area. what happens is it will ensure that onshore flow reinforced that cool ocean air coming in from the pacific today. winds will be a factor as well. a little bit of disturbance coming through. that always happens. 630 degrees in san jose. 61 in redwood city. windiest conditions at the coast. keep that in mind. if you have a kite, go fly it today. it will be a really nice day out there. 63 degrees by friday. a warmup for us. weekend plans look better outdoors on sunday than you're going to see on saturday. a weak disturbance will move into the bay area. same deal falling apart. keeping cloudy and cooler conditions in place for
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saturday. we'll be warm on sunday. holding onto low 60s even at the coast. let's check your drive. it's 6:19. are we coasting this morning, mike? >> that's nice. we're coasting to a slow halt here at the bay bridge toll plaza. still moving. coasting here. this is toll plaza build. we see that typical about 6:20 this morning. we've had 20 minutes of metering lights being on. that's the build past 880 over crossing making its way to east grand avenue. racetrack is lit up. smooth drive there. good spacing between cars. speeds only dipping into upper 50s at their worst out of richmond and toward the merge off the bridge. the map here's how it plays out. green on the approach down into berkeley and slowing around the berkeley curve. incline slow spot toward treasure island and maze nothing unusual. no incidents for 24, 880 or 580.
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we'll look over here toward your slowing drive south 880 coming through hayward. typical build and slowing from castro valley y and down toward san mateo bridge. no drama. more cars headed to the toll plaza. we'll check on the peninsula side in a second. we'll show you the peninsula side. we are looking at a nice smooth flow off 92 toward 101. no slowing. we'll end with this and send it back to you. >> thank you so much. coming up, we'll tell you why a napa winery tossing expensive casts of wine into the sea. >> save the grapes. call this one a man cave on ice. the backyard igloo that takes chilling with your friends to a whole new level. >> what boys will do. let's take a live look outside this morning. sun is coming up making way for a nice day. we'll keep looking at that morning commute for you and the forecast with a lot of news ahead as well. 6:21.
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eve. take a look at that. a nice shot there over san francisco. the transamerica building there in the early morning dawn. i like the color. the way it illuminates as the sun peeks in our day. christina loren says the sun will treat us nice. it's 6:24.
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>> let's see if the ocean treats some wine nicely. napa wine maker taking his craft under water in south carolina's charleston harbor. the president of the winery watched as divers dropped four cases of 2009 cabernet into the harbor. he says the winery is dropping the cases to see how wine ages under water and to find out if the ocean will give the wine a unique taste. >> in the ocean where you have constant motion, where you have variance of temperature but it's also very similar to what the ideal storage in a warehouse is where you have a lack of light, different pressure, we're going to find out what happens. >> the cases are submerged in specially designed cages and will remain under water for three months. they'll sell between $130 and $150 a bottle. >> all right. beer, wine, any kind of beverage
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you want taking the man cave to the extreme for fourth queyear a row. the man built an igloo in his backyard. he says this year's igloo is 12 feet high, biggest ever. inside he has a nice tv. he's got a couch. a lamp that doubles as a hand warmer. he says the way he does this is that he mixes ice rink snow with man-made snow and uses it to cover a 4x4 holding up an umbrella of wood. an umbrella of wood. he does igloos and wood umbrellas. >> a lot of work. >> he must need a break from the house. have the buddies over. chill out. >> not frigid enough to hold a man cave like that in our neck of the woods. >> have to admire man who appreciates a frosty beverage. good morning to you. good looking day shaping up.
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go for coffee or tea this morning because it's cold out there although 10 degrees warmer than this time yesterday. we'll hit 60s as a result. 61 inland. bayside, 60. that goes for you at the coast. stick around. your seven day is coming up. look at the beautiful sunrise coming up. see how i enjoy my scenery. picking up volume here north of 680. on our maps we see slowing coming back. south bay schools many of the districts are on break all week as christina talked about ski week. lighter volume 7:30 until 8:30 we see the bulk of the traffic. back to you. >> thanks so much. 6:27. still ahead, taking sides in the fight over proposition 8. we'll tell you how the president might try to sway the supreme court to overturn california's ban on gay marriage.
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coming up, dropped from the
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case. the shocking charges against the lead investigator as court wraps up for the day in the oscar pistorius bail hearing. taking you live this morning as we hear the opening bell at nyse. what are markets in store for? we'll see what is going on on this thursday, february 21st. this is "today in the bay." it is 6:30. i'm jon kelley. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. a developing story in south africa where the decision whether to release olympian oscar pistorius from jail will continue tomorrow. court wrapped up for the day. earlier pistorius sat calmly looking down at his hands as his defense lawyers picked apart the state's murder case. the defense is going after the lead investigator in the case, hilton botha, who we learned is facing murder charges himself. south africa police say the
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charges against botha stem from a october 2011 incident in which he and two other officers fired shots at a mini bus. they say that botha should be dropped from the case against pistorius. pistorius is facing a setback outside of the courtroom well. coming up at 6:45, we'll tell you about the major sponsor cutting ties with the paralympic icon. growing speculation president obama is now taking sides in that fight over california's gay marriage. "today in the bay's" marla tellez joining us live in san francisco this morning. marla, exactly how is the president trying to influence this outcome? >> reporter: well, good morning. if anything the president would want the high court to overturn the controversial prop 8 banning same-sex marriage in this state. city hall in san francisco is watching the case closely. it was here almost three years ago that a federal judge who happened to be gay himself
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declared prop 8 unconstitutional and the california supreme court agreed. since then the initiative that defines marriage as a male/female union in the state of carolina has been paralyzed in a legal web. now the president who openly supports gay marriage is considering urging the high court to do away with the controversial prop and probably not a surprise by people we talked to on the streets of san francisco this morning agree he should be but say that doesn't mean he'll risk it. >> he seems to have gone more towards supporting gay marriage in his second term. let's see if he continues with the progress. i think mentally he believes in it but politically will it be expedient for him to do that in climate we're in with other things going on, he'll have to weigh that politically for himself. >> i don't have a problem with them legalizing it. it's a free country. >> reporter: it was just last month during his second inaugural address that president obama declared gays and lesbians
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must be treated like anyone else under the law. the latest bit of news sure to provoke supporters of prop 8 to stand a stand even in the form of a protest which we have seen before. the president has until february 28th. that's one week from today to file a friend of the court brief. the u.s. supreme court will take up prop 8 next month on march 26th. live in san francisco, marla tellez, "today in the bay." >> thanks, marla. it's 6:33 right now. we can say thank you to mother nature. christina loren is sprinkling sunshine our way. >> she gets the credit. so close to the weekend. now we're getting a spectacular sunrise over the san francisco bay this morning. you can see the camera for now holding steady although it's breezy out there to start the day. this is san jose now. we have cloud cover overhead but mostly clear sky to start the day and temperatures are going to be mild today. touch warmer than yesterday. we're definitely more on the mild side this morning. a lot of that cold air was able
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to mix out yesterday from the cold front that came through and brought us snow showers to mt. hamilton. i'll show you how much snow stuck around overnight on mt. hamilton. stick around for that. right now you notice on your wind speed chart we have quite a few minutes coming directly out of the west and for us that's going to be the case today onshore flow means cool ocean air moving in all day. it will be on the gusty side as well at 2:00 p.m. look at your future cast. you notice we get oranges, pinks, that's really strong winds and that will be the case at the coastline by 4:00 to 6:00. we'll see winds taper off but keep in mind it will be blustery today by the bay. 61 inland today. 60 at the bay. about 60 degrees at the coast. changes just around the corner in addition to that weekend we have another weather system to get through. i'll tell you which day will be better for outdoor plans in my next report. 6:34. we know the drive is taking up. let's check in with mike. >> south bay experiencing
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lighter flow because a lot of those schools are off but looking at the bay bridge and there's no break. metering lights were turned on a few minutes after 6:00. the build is past west grand avenue. not yet to the maze. lighter here. we'll show you another view and show you a number of issues around the approach. the maze itself is moving smoothly. typical. west 24 we just got word of an incident there. heading toward old tunnel road, on ramp there is a crash and everything off to the right-hand shoulder. we'll watch for distraction and slowing around the caldecott. west 80 commute direction off the richmond san rafael bridge at the merge by the racetrack there's a stall there. still getting word on lanes affected but there is slowing at the scene. it sounds like activity is in the center divide and that will be a distraction off the bridge and down the east shore freeway from richmond. heading toward the richmond/san rafael bridge, reports of another issue. a stalled rig in lanes or just off to the shoulder. chp heading there to check it
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out. did see slowing at the richmond bridge toll plaza but nothing as far as slowing to speak of toward the north bay side to san rafa rafael. i'm tracking it. back to you. >> it's 6:35. the search continues this morning for more suspects linkeded tolinked ed to to a triple killing. this man may be linked to a suspect arrested last thursday in alabama. these pictures are from a chevron gas station taken the day before three men were found dead inside of a cabin. investigators say a pot deal led them to the shooting deaths of those three men. 6:36. a $1,000 reward is being offered for information about a raccoon found shot in south san francisco last month. these are x-rays of the raccoon's injuries taken before it was put to sleep. the raccoon was found resting its head on the curb of palm avenue on sunday. anyone with information should
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call the peninsula humane society. 6:36 right now. a bizarre story coming up. a little girl catches fire in her hospital bed and the culprit may be a common household product you send to school with your kids every day. we'll have the warning to parents and new development in the young lady's recovery just ahead. frightening moment of impact. the last second swerve that sends 19 people to the hospital all caught on camera just ahead. a live look from san bruno cam over the horizon there looking toward the bay. you can see that sunshine ready to warm everybody up. hopefully you have a chance to enjoy today. we're back in minutes. you can't move the tv there.
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yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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new this morning, terrifying video here. the moment of impact as a school bus turns right in the path of a commuter bus in new jersey. my gosh. 19 people were injured in this crash. two of them seriously hurt. fortunately no students were on that school bus at the time of that big-time crash. also new this morning, a 12-year-old girl is expected to undergo surgery this morning for serious burns after she somehow caught fire while laying in her hospital bed in portland, oregon. fire officials say a cancer survivor who was hospitalized after a fall earlier this month tried to use hand sanitizer.
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that combined with static electricity may have caused a spark which lit the girl on fire. water at the hotel in downtown los angeles now being tested after a woman's body was found inside of a water tank on the hotel's roof. guests say they showered, brushed their teeth and even some of them drank that tap water for days. the body of a canadian woman was found earlier this week after guests complained of low water pressure at the hotel. she was reportedly on her way to santa cruz. >> quite a mystery there. coming up, pink shirts, pony tails and packing a punch. why police say you don't want to come face to face with a pair of mean girls in the east bay just ahead. also, a tent city eviction. hundreds of homeless people being booted from a south bay park but the question is when will it happen and where will
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they go? we'll explain just ahead. a fight brewing over hundreds of billions of dollars in the south bay. we'll take a look coming up in business news. >> we know we have our work cut out for us in the division. >> buster posey sizing up the competition. mvp's preseason work for postseason glory just ahead as we take you live to spring training.
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right now updating a developing story in south africa where olympian oscar pistorius is back behind bars. his bail hearing extended to a fourth consecutive day. today pistorius sat calmly looking down at his hands as his defense lawyers just picked apart the state's case against
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him. he of course is being charged with premeditated murder in the valentine's day shooting of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. right now we also learned the lead investigator in this case, this is really strange, hilton botha is facing murder charges himself. south african police say the charges against botha stem from an october 2011 incident in which he and two other officers fired shots at a mini bus. south africa's national prosecuting authority says botha should be dropped from that case against pistorius. now, as that case plays out in court, we just learned nike suspending its contract with pistorius in a statement nike says the company believes pistorius should be afforded due process and will monitor the case closely. new details out of berkeley where police are warning women after a bizarre and brazen attack near the cal campus. police are now searching for teen girls they say strong armed
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their victims with pepper spray. bob redell joins us live from the police station with more. good morning, bob. >> reporter: good morning, laura. police in berkeley need your help in finding the people responsible for this late-night assault. as you mentioned, this is what makes this case somewhat unusual. they are looking for three teenage girls. around 9:40 last friday night, they attacked and attempted to rob two adult women on the edge of the cal campus on dwight way near prospect street. the victims tell police as they were walking they tried to go past the three teens. one of the teens then sprayed something in the face of one of the women possibly pepper spray. the girls grabbed a second woman as they tried to run away. punched her in the face and knocked her to the ground and sprayed her and tried to rob her. a man who happened to be walking by stopped the robbery and scared off the teens. the women were hurt but not so much that they needed to go to the hospital. the teens were seen driving off in a white dodge charger. the victims tell police they are african-american. one of them had short hair. thin build.
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another one long hair and a pony tail. long skirt and a third one braided hair wearing a pink shirt and a jean jacket. if you know anything about these three young women, police would like to hear from you here in berkeley. reporting live here in berkeley, bob redell, "today in the bay." the city of san jose gearing up to clear out a massive homeless encampment. the city says at least 100 people right now are living in the makeshift tent city on spring street. the city says it is now reaching out to people at that site to offer shelter options. the tent city will be cleared out during the first week of march. following breaking news from las vegas this morning where police say at least three people are dead, three people at least injured this morning after a shooting and multicar accident on the las vegas strip near flamingo row. these are live pictures from the area. a truck crashed there. according to initial reports there was a shootout between two cars as they drove down the strip and then that set off a
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multicar accident. we'll continue to monitor this breaking news just coming into our newsroom this morning. >> major situation there. 6:47. christina loren says a major stroke of good news for us weatherwise. >> a stroke of luck. a stroke of luck today. good morning to you. 6:47. we're still in the heart of winter although we are transitioning closer and closer to spring. our days are getting longer. getting more sunshine. and today our highs are going to reach the mid 60s in some cities. a good day. so close to the weekend now as well. to make your outdoor plans. 6:48. now a live look from a beautiful san bruno mountain overlooking the bay right now. you can see dplglassy on the ba. ripples as the wind picks up. blustery this afternoon. 38 degrees in san jose right now. 37 in gilroy. 34 in napa. we're done with the 20s for today and we have an area of low pressure that will swing
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through. it will drive winds and keep onshore flow in place. for us today, we're not going to be able to climb all that much. tomorrow we will be able to. that's when high pressure will take a grip and a nice looking weekend because of that ridge of high pressure as well. 61 degrees today in santa theresa. 59 degrees in san francisco. getting into the next couple of days, i love friday. a little bit of a warmup for everybody. it's great news. that cold winter storm was a rough one to get through this week. as we head through the weekend, we'll have another weak disturbance come through. it's only going to usher in more cloud cover maybe a north bay shower. nothing heavy. we won't measure precipitation up there. you will notice cooler conditions on saturday than what we expect on sunday. that's your day for outdoor activities. 64 inland. at the bay, 64 degrees there. 61 at the coast. 6:49. your drive is getting busy but mike knows everything that could slow you down. good morning, mike. >> good morning. let's take a look over here
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toward emeryville. this is west 80 coming down toward university. things are smooth through berkeley just slowing a bit because of the volume. back here coming off richmond, i've been checking. i can't see the incident itself. reports of a stalled vehicle just off the roadway. let me take you out to the maps and show you what we're talking about. this stall off the merge as you come down out of richmond and slowing and everything off to the shoulder. i'll track that for you. the earlier debris and gravel spill on the richmond bridge sounds like that actually is cleared. not a big deal. whatever it was. slowing cleared as well. we do have another problem around west 24. that's your commute direction out of caldecott. a fender-bender reported there at old tunnel road off to the shelled shoulder. maze moves smoothly. now a new disabled vehicle reported southbound heading down toward hayward making it a tough spot at a tough time. tracking that coming off 238. looks like a tough start for
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transition. west 580 moves smoothly. a crash there at north livermore on the shoulder. we'll end with south bay map. vacation ski week we look at 7:00 to 8:30 for compressed commute. >> it's 6:50 right now. the fairfield man accused of kidn kidnapping, raping and killing a 13-year-old girl expected back in court this morning. 32-year-old anthony lamar jones will be arraigned today. jones stands accused of killing 13-year-old gennelle conway-allen and leaving her naked body in fairfield park earlier this month. prosecutors say he could be facing the death penalty. a memorial will be held today in san bernardino for a detective killed during the manhunt for shooting spree suspect christopher dorner. 35-year-old jeremiah mackay was killed in that shootout with dorner.
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mackay was a 15-year veteran of the force. leaves behind a wife and two young children. today in connecticut vice president joe biden continuing his push for gun control not far from sandy hook elementary school where 20 children and six adults died during a shooting rampage in december. biden is a leading a white house task force on reducing gun violence. today's speech designed to drum up support for stricter gun laws. biden pushing for a ban on assault weapons along with restrictions on high capacity magazines. those measures facing some extreme hurdles and very high ones from congress and the pro-gun lobby. the pentagon could create a new marine crisis response team in the wake of the deadly september 11th attack at the u.s. consulate in benghazi libya that killed bay area native chris stevenson and three other americans. they would have easy access to
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africa and eastern europe. the u.n. meeting today to discussion sanctions against north korea. the obama administration negotiating with council members for stronger sanctions. a week ago north korea detonated the third underground nuclear test since 2006. it was the strongest blast to date. 6:53. good news. that dollar in your pocket buys you a dollar worth of stuff. >> inflation nothing to worry about. i guess that gives us more freedom to fool with the economy. >> the government has tried just about every trick it can think of to get the economy going. think of them next to a wood pile trying to start the fire with a lighter, right? the risk is inflation. things taking off much faster than you expected. the latest numbers show that even with high gas prices, inflation not much of a factor. the feds have run out of ideas but this latest data shows if anyone can think of anything, it's probably the time to try
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it. hewlett packard reports financials today. one of the few times i can think of there will be no big announcements. no big layoffs or other chaos. expect the expected. one of apple's biggest critics asking apple investors to get on the phone with him at 11:00 a.m. california time to explain a plan to force apple to give up 160 billion in cash apple is sitting on. david einhorn wants to force a vote at next week's apple investor meeting. apple says it is willing to part with some of the cash but debating over how and when but we'll continue to watch that. although it's clunky financial news, it's $160 billion in cash. that's a big fight. >> a lot of dough. >> no kidding. thanks, scott. >> appreciate it. it's 6:54. guess what, we're just two days away from the giants, defending world champions, first cactus league game. >> and national league mvp says
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he's ready to play ball. laurence scott is live in arizona with a look at buster posey's take on spring training. >> reporter: you think about how successful that buster posey has been in the early part of his career. i like to thank back to that 2008 draft. let's go through this. tampa bay rays taking timothy beckum and pirates taking alvarez and one to the royals and brian to the orioles and then five, buster posey, to the giants. do you think any of those teams would look back now and say, you know, we had reasons at the time but goodness we missed on the one that a player of generations. this guy has been nothing short of remarkable. getting ready for another campaign. take a look. buster posey's impact on the success of the giants goes without question and as one of the team's leaders coming off an mvp season capped by another world series title, he knows that rituals of spring start the
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process of being ready for opening day. >> feels good. it's nice to have the whole squad out here now and doing some live bp which is not really the hitter's favorite thing to do facing your own pitchers. definitely good to be back out on the field. >> reporter: what a difference a year can make here in scottsdale between spring trainings. >> for me it's especially different with last year i was answering questions about my injury from the year before so it's nice to kind of have that past me a little bit. for the most part, you know, you're just trying to do the same thing as you did last spring and that's get prepared for the season. >> reporter: a season that will have all of the competition circling the date that the giants come to town. >> we know we have our work cut out for us and vision diamondbacks are a team that can get really hot and play good baseball. i think they play the game the right way. you have the dodgers who are
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loaded up over the past year and even the rockies are a team and padres. you just don't know. i think it's a division that's probably overlooked a lot just because a lot of our games are being played at 10:15 on the east coast and a lot of people don't see us. there's a lot of talent. >> reporter: so it starts with the cactus league games, efforts to get ready, that begins saturday here at scottsdale stadium. giants hosting the angels. that's the scene here from arizona. we'll send it back to you in the studio. >> thank you very much. good to see the sun coming out down there. as for the sun across the bay from the giants, oakland a's l."l.a. times" reporting the commissioner office gave the organization guidelines for potential to move to san jose. doesn't say what the guidelines are. the report does say if the organization can satisfy them, commissioner bud selig could let club owners vote on a move. let's check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. nice looking day ahead.
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>> beautiful day shaping up. as the new day begins over the san francisco bay, look at this gorgeous sunrise we get this morning from high atop san bruno mountain. bodes well for a gorgeous day. bayside 60. at the coast, 60. if you missed the weekend forecast, don't worry about it. we'll have it every 15 minutes throughout the "today" show. 6:58. let's check on that drive. is it picking up? i'm sure it is. >> it was. an alarm in my head going off with reports of a wrong-way driver at the san mateo bridge. turns out someone was backing up at the toll plaza. quite an alarm. they have it under control. no problems on the span. san mateo bridge is okay on the span. we'll show you the map on the east bay side. slows down with activity now on the shoulder. south 880 at a street stall cleared but there is slowing into hayward and off castro valley y. a new crash south 880 is reported from chp. they have yet to arrive on scene. i do see slowing now heading
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into fremont. late build for 101, 280, 87 and there's the ski week commute clearing by 8:30. an update to breaking news we're following. three people are dead. three others are injured after a gun battle between two moving cars on the las vegas strip. a live look from above the scene this morning. this is at the intersection of flamingo and las vegas boulevards. at least five cars were involved in the crash including a taxi that was set to have just burst into flames. investigators say people inside a maserati and suv were shooting at one another. >> that's one of the busiest intersections. this is really a scene just to see so cleared out with that craziness. >> they had to shut down both north and southbound directions on that boulevard this morning.
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>> you can see cars there destroyed. three people now dead. interesting to see how this pans out. i can't imagine what was going on. >> that investigation will take quite some time this morning. we will continue to monitor it for you. that is what's happening "today in the bay." we're back at 7:25 with a live local news update as well. >> all right. have a great day. we'll see you tomorrow. good morning -- good morning. whiteout. a massive winter storm gaining intensity this morning. heavy snow, ice, and sleet already making driving difficult in parts of nebraska and kansas. now it's headed east and al says it's only going to get worse. bomb shell. a new twist in the oscar pistorius overnight. the lead investigator facing attempted murder charges of his own. we're live in south africa with the call for him to be replaced. and girl talk.
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do women really have more to say than men? new research finds that may be true. i don't think that really is exactly what happened here. i think women just like to talk. they have some opinions they want to express. and i don't see a problem with that. for many of us, talking just comes naturally. anyway, we have a lot to chew on, don't we? today, tuesdhursday, february 2 2013. from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a thursday morning. i'm savannah guthrie. >> i'm david gregory in for matt this morning. good to be here and have a chance to present the news and talk about i


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